January Baby Fun Facts

Some fun, interesting facts about babies born in January…….


January babies share their birth month with some impressive names

 5th  Jan Bradley Cooper

 8th  Jan Elvis Presley

18th Jan Kevin Costner

19th Jan Dolly Parton

The most popular dates for babies to arrive are the 4th, 10th and 24th….are you due on any of these?


What’s in the stars for your new arrival – January babies can be either Ambitious, Persistent & Sensitive,, thanks to the Capricorn Traits or Truthful, Confident & Innovative…but whatever zodiac sign they are born under…..you can be sure they will be stubborn!

If you ever wonder which flowers to buy a January born baby then play safe and choose their birth flower….January babies have 2 for you to choose from…Carnations or Snowdrops!

Will your January arrival be destined for fame or maybe a career in Debt collection?

A small survey showed that babies born in the month if Jan have a higher chance of becoming a celebrity, a GP or even a debt collector…..sign them up for stage school now!


Bigger – Brighter & More Successful

January Babies were found to be longer, heavier and had a larger head circumference than those born in the summer months!  The study also found they ranked higher in intelligence tests……January is the month of geniuses!



The birthstone is the garnet – this gem is tied to Love & Friendship

Are you looking for a january inspired baby name – then take a look at these 

  • Garnet (January’s birthstone)
  • Robin/Robyn (after the wintry red-breasted bird)
  • Neve (meaning ‘snow’, a link to the snowdrop)
  • Alba (meaning ‘bright’ and ‘white’, another link to the snowdrop)
  • Una (meaning ‘one’, ‘only’)
  • Winter (needs no explanation)
  • Clementine (after the favoured winter fruit)
  • Iris (a winter flower)
  • Navin (a boy’s name meaning ‘new’, ‘novel’)
  • Bodhi (meaning ‘awakening’)
  • Ace (meaning ‘one’)

Credit for these gorgeous names to – https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/body/a35127515/january-month-baby-names/

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