How to choose a pushchair

The right stroller can make all the difference in the ease and accessibility of your daily life with baby — from that walk to in the park to that hike through the mall. Here’s a basic guide to the different kinds of strollers so you can choose the one that makes the most sense for you.

Whether you’re headed to the park or to Paris, a stroller is a must-have for life on the go with baby. Finding the best stroller depends on your lifestyle, your budget and some key logistical questions: Where are you going to use it? Where are you going to store it? How many babies will be using it? And how much stuff do they have? Here’s where to start.

Quick Tips

  • Strollers cost anywhere from £30 to £1200. Knowing your budget and needs will help you narrow down the options.
  • A basic lightweight umbrella stroller makes travel (and storage) easy, while high-function stroller systems boast helpful features like extra storage and snap-on bassinets or car seats.
  • For some, a stroller will get miles and years of use. Trying out your top choices before purchasing one will go a long way in making sure it works for baby’s needs — and for the needs of other family members who will be pushing it, folding it and stowing their things within it along the way.

What are the different types of strollers?

There are five basic types of strollers:

  • Full-sized stroller
  • Lightweight or umbrella stroller
  • Jogging stroller
  • Double stroller
  • Travel system 

Full-Sized Stroller

What it is: If you’re hoping to invest in one stroller that’ll wheel your baby right through the toddler years, look no further than a full-size stroller. Bigger, sturdier and usually more durable, these strollers are the standard option. Plus, many models come with a full range of features that not only make baby’s ride a joy, but also make your life easier.

The upsides: The go-to option for many families, a full-sized stroller covers all the basics and offers nifty bells and whistles:

  • Wide, comfortable, well-padded seat
  • Deep seat recline
  • Option to mount the seat forward-facing or rear-facing
  • Option to attach a car seat
  • Convertible design that grows with baby, from newborn use with car seat (or optional bassinet, in some cases) to toddler use (up to 50 pounds)
  • Expandable canopies
  • Sturdy tires with decent suspension to absorb shock
  • Roomy basket for storage
  • Telescoping handlebars (especially helpful when one parent is tall and the other is petite)
  • Useful nice-to-haves, like a cup holder or snack tray 

The downsides: A full-sized stroller can be bulky and heavy. If you take public transportation, climb stairways frequently or navigate busy streets or small stores with your baby, this can make it tougher to travel with. A full-size stroller may also be a tight fit for a small-space home with limited storage.

Lightweight or Umbrella Stroller

What it is: You might lose a few of the features you can find in a full-sized stroller, but an umbrella stroller makes up for it by being easy on-the-go.

The upsides: Often weighing 7kg or less, a lightweight stroller is designed for portability (some even come with a shoulder strap). It is easy to fold, too, which makes stashing it in the trunk or taking it on an airplane, bus or train a snap. Many lightweight strollers still come equipped with beneficial features such as a partial seat recline, expandable canopy, storage basket and built-in cupholder or snack tray.

The downsides: If you’re looking for a stroller you can use from the newborn months on, a lightweight stroller won’t do. While a few models can safely carry newborns with car seat adapters, most umbrella strollers are designed for babies six months or older.

Jogging Stroller

What it is: On the run — literally? Then a jogging stroller might be the best for you.

The upsides: Superior suspension lets you walk, jog or hike and keep baby in comfort, while for maximum maneuverability both on and off the jogging trail, many jogging strollers come with a front wheel that can swivel (for flexibility) or be fixed (for stability at higher speeds). Other pluses of a jogging stroller include its compatibility with a car seat (for use from newborn through toddler stages), deep reclining seats, telescoping handlebars and generous storage baskets. A hand brake, five-point harness and wrist strap are key safety features, so don’t go jogging with a stroller that doesn’t include these.

The downsides: A jogging stroller can be a bit heavier and challenging to assemble. And if space is tight, it won’t fold up as small as an umbrella stroller.

Also, while most three-wheeled strollers are referred to as “joggers,” not all three-wheelers are actually optimized for runners. Some of the most popular three-wheelers are “hybrid” strollers that lack hand brakes and other safety features, and aren’t intended to be used for jogging with baby. Serious runners will want to do a test drive to make sure your jogging stroller has the safety features and functionality you want.

Double Stroller

What it is: If you’ve got twins in tow — or a toddler who’s not ready to give up his stroller days — then a double stroller is the way to go. Doubles come in two formats: tandem, where one child sits behind the other, or side-by-side seating.

The upsides: With multiple children, this option enables you to manage only one stroller.

The downsides: These strollers for two tend to be bigger and bulkier, weighing in at up to 20kg and with a much larger footprint. As you shop, consider width (does it fit through your door?), mobility (is it well balanced? how does it turn?) and whether it’s compatible with one or two car seats.

Travel System

What it is: An easy-to-connect travel system pairs together the infant car seat and stroller. There are full-size, lightweight and jogging stroller travel systems, so you can choose a system with the type of stroller you like best.

The upsides: Having an infant car seat that connects to your stroller with an adapter (usually built in) means you can move your sleeping baby from the car to the stroller without waking her up. And being able to buy both components as a set can save you money.

The downsides: While the stroller will last into the older toddler years, your baby will outgrow the infant car seat much sooner than that. And if you’re a multiple-car family, you’ll need to buy a separate car seat or base to use with car #2.

What should I consider when buying a stroller?

A safe, reliable and easy-to-use stroller is a definite must-have. But as a stroller can range in price from £30 to £1,200, you’re going to want to make sure you’re getting the best option for your money. These basic questions can help.

Where will you use it? Many mid-range models can be big and bulky — not ideal if you’re navigating narrow city streets. But a smaller umbrella stroller might not work for you if you need a stroller basket big enough to handle your purse, diaper bag and other essentials. Know where you’ll go with your stroller – that’s half the battle.

Is it newborn friendly? Check the details. Some strollers offer a deep recline or bassinet mode, which means you can put your newborn in them from day one, with no add-ons needed. But many models are more suitable for infants who have some neck control or can nearly sit up unsupported, which usually doesn’t happen for four to six months. You may need to attach a car seat or optional bassinet to make some models infant-ready, so know what you’re getting before you buy.

How long do you plan to use it? While you may pay more up front for certain models, adaptability from newborn through toddler stages could save you cash in the long run. Do you plan to use the stroller for multiple kids? If so, shop for long-term value, and consider a model you can add onto — a car seat, a stand-and-ride bumper or an additional seat for a new baby.

How easy is it to use? Once you’ve done some research and narrowed down your choices, it’s smart to do a test drive in person so you can see how your favorites compare — and consider that a flat and shiny store floor may not reveal how a particular model will do on uneven sidewalks or hilly terrain. Can you steer it smoothly? Can you maneuver it with one hand? How does it handle a tight turn?

How easy is it to fold and unfold? You’ll likely be holding baby and his stuff when you need to fold or unfold the stroller, so easier is better. Many models tout a one-hand fold, but try before you buy — not all one-handed folds are as easy as they sound.

How heavy is it? When you’re on the road, lighter is better. But note the details, because some manufacturers will call a 12kg stroller lightweight, while others can weigh a mere 6kg. That’s a big difference when you’re carrying baby, diaper bag and stroller up endless staircases or squishing on to the bus.

Do you need more than one? Need an umbrella stroller for the road but a full-sized model for busy days in town? For some families, one stroller just doesn’t cover all the bases, no matter how cleverly designed. If that’s the case, consider splitting your stroller budget rather than investing heavily in one. You might need a basic full-size model for home and a separate umbrella stroller for travel.

Real Tips on Buying Strollers

If you ask 20 mums what stroller they swear by, you’ll probably hear 20 different opinions. But the good news is there are so many stroller options out there you’re bound to find one that checks all the boxes for your family. Here are what real mums say about finding the right stroller:

Invest in Quality

I would suggest staying away from the cheap umbrella strollers. The higher handles, better canopies and other extra features are really worth getting at least a mid-range umbrella stroller.

One Stroller or Two?

I love my jogger because we jog and walk a ton in the city, but it’s heavy to load in and out of the car for errands, so I have a lightweight one I keep in the car for shopping trips. My jogger has an attachment for a car seat too.

Plan for Baby #2

One tidbit to consider is if you are planning on having another child in the next few years, maybe look at a stroller that can accommodate more than one child. We bought full size and umbrella stroller with our first & loved both BUT now we are having to buy a second stroller to accommodate both kids, which is obviously pricey. Wish we had considered this with our first.

Look Into Travel Systems

We bought an infant seat and stroller as a travel system for my daughter. I loved being able to leave her in her seat for short periods when taking her places. My daughter hated, absolutely hated, being worn (I tried 3 different carriers and it was 6 months before she wouldn’t lose her mind and by then, she could sit in a stroller) so the travel system was a life saver in stores and anywhere else we went.

Definitely Do a Test Drive

Head to a baby store and give em a try! Each one is different and depending on your body shape, activity level, and what you need…each one has merits!