10 of the Best Pram/Pushchairs 2020:

For pavement pounding and off-road adventures, our top picks have all journeys covered.

If you’re about to buy a pushchair, you may have started your research, and it may be dawning on you that it’s no easy task. The choice is seemingly endless, with strollers boasting an array of similar-yet-different features to transport your tot – so what’s the right one for you?

The first question to ask is, how old is your baby and how will you be using it? Many pushchairs can be used from birth, whereas other strollers are suitable from six months old. Some give the option where you can pop on a car seat, turning the buggy into a travel system, or there’s the option to have a carrycot so newborns can lie completely flat.

If you’re short on space you’ll want to look for a compact fold, and if you like to travel, a lightweight frame will serve you nicely. Is pushing an ultra-stylish set of wheels important? If so, there are plenty of beautifully designed buggies to pick from.

So to save you the job of wading through buggy specs, we’ve lined up the best of the bunch, highlighting the must-have features that may well appeal.

iCandy Lime: From £625

As well as being a cool-looking buggy, the new lime model gives you all the functions of iCandy’s full-sized pushchairs, in a cheaper, easy-to-manoeuvre city stroller. This pushchair makes light work of tight corners, aisles in shops and narrow doorways and big rear wheels give it a stable feel. In the bundle comes both the carrycot and seat fabrics, so it’s suitable for a newborn, and you can pop on a car seat with the included adaptors. The seat can also be parent or world-facing, which is a feature not often seen on such a compact stroller.

Also you should have no problems transporting it – both in the car and on public transport – thanks to the lime’s patented fold; cleverly the seat and bumper bar stay on when collapsing, and there’s a handle for easy lifting. You can whip off the wheels for an even smaller fold. We loved that you can adjust the chair’s height and distance using the seat elevators, so it doubled up as a highchair when grabbing a pit-stop lunch. An integrated buggy-board means as your family grows, one tot can ride on the back. A generous storage basket completes this totally urban-friendly buggy.

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Bugaboo Bee 5: From £499.95

Bugaboo is known for its quality pushchairs and this one is a firm favourite with parents. The bee 5 is the latest update of this from-birth buggy and is compact, manoeuvrable and lightweight, yet incredibly sturdy. You can buy a baby cocoon to support a newborn on the pushchair’s flat recline but for extra security, you might want to fork out for the additional carrycot too. There is also the option of getting car seat adaptors so you can just use the chassis with your choice of car seat. The bee 5 has a tiny footprint when folded down so it can be stored in the smallest of spaces.

Nuna Demi Grow: From £600

Dutch company Nuna aims to develop baby gear that’s simple, practical and stylish. They’ve certainly succeeded with one of the company’s latest offerings, Nuna DEMI Grow. It’s got a chic look and incredibly practical design features, including an extendable UPF 50+ canopy with a removable, flip-out eye shade and rain cover. An integrated mesh ventilation panel at your child’s back helps keep him cool during the warm weather months. This stroller can convert into a double or twin stroller if special adapters are purchased. While the Nuna DEMI Grow has been compared to Uppababy’s Vista line, the DEMI Grow uses an identical seat to grow into a two-seater, unlike the Vista, which uses a rumble seat. And while the Vista comes with a bassinet, the DEMI Grow may appeal to those who don’t need a bassinet for their stroller and want to pay slightly less

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Egg Stroller: From £769.00

The look of the Egg will be the first thing that strikes you, it’s sleek lines and curves give it real style with no clutter on the chassis.
The chassis is sleek and topped with a leather bound handle featuring a section in the middle which turns to extend the height and to collapse the chassis.
Out and about the Egg proves itself to be more than just a pretty chassis, its sturdy but not bulky; quiet but easy to manoeuvre, and stylish but practical.
It folds so easy too.  Although you have to take off the seat unit to do it.
After collapsing it’s very compact and has the further space saving facility of removing the wheels.
It’s worth noting that this buggy is not light!  At 13.5kg it is one of the heavier pushchairs, but luckily, you don’t feel the weight when you’re pushing it out and about.

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Bebecar i-Top: From £850.00

The Bebecar I-Top is a stylishly designed pram for today’s modern parents.
Suitable for all terrain, the I-Top features adjustable rear suspension and larger rear wheels, to the ensure a comfortable ride for your baby. The wheels can be set to swivel or lock without the need to bend down.
When your baby is first born, the carrycot provides a secure and comfortable environment. The padded liner and mattress is soft and kind to baby’s skin. The hood has a mesh window and integrated sun visor for sun protection. The carrycot is also approved for use in vehicles with the use of an additional adaptor, so baby can lay flat throughout the journey.

As baby grows older, the large padded seat unit offers plenty of comfort for little one and has a three position backrest. The seat is reversible for parent or world facing.

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Silver Cross Coast: From £850.00

This new model from Silver Cross is vaguely reminiscent of the brand’s iconic carriage-style prams but with a sleek, modern makeover. It really is a jack of all trades as it can be used as a full newborn pram, a rear- or parent-facing pushchair and, with the addition of the tandem seat/car seat/ride-on board (all sold separately), it offers an impressive 27 different seating configurations for up to three little passengers.
It also has a string of little extras that you’d expect from Silver Cross, such as a generous shopping basket and a cup holder. The carrycot attachment can be used for overnight sleeping if you’re on your travels, cutting down the amount of baggage required for trips. Most carrycots/bassinets are not suitable for overnight use, so always check beforehand and never assume a product is safe.
The multi-recline options can genuinely be adjusted one-handed and the whole product has a luxurious appearance and feel about it. Price-wise, it’s an investment but it should get you through your entire pushchair journey and does come complete with both pram and pushchair attachments, so you won’t have to worry about ordering any extras in the wake of a sudden growth spurt.

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Babystyle Oyster 3: From £499.00

The BabyStyle Oyster3 is a lavish pushchair with an affordable price tag. The large range of gorgeous colours, deeply woven herringbone fabrics and functional features show how BabyStyle has listened to the thoughts of parents and improved upon the best-selling Oyster2.

The extra-large extendable hood, roomy seat and super compact fold mean that this pushchair will certainly turn the heads of fellow parents and passers-by whilst you’re out and about. The small but mighty features such as the height-adjustable harness and hood make the Oyster3 that little bit more special than other pushchairs in its price bracket.

If we were to be super-critical, we would say that the chrome chassis and hood trimmings, whilst attractive, scratch easily with daily wear but this is a minor detail in the grand scheme of things.

For such a good price at £499 for the pushchair, the Oyster3 offers value for money as well as class and style in abundance.

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Cosatto Giggle: From £499.95

Cosatto describe themselves as ‘93% inspiration, 6% sparkle, 4% cups of tea and 2% genius.’ they have a strong fun ethos – all work and no play makes for a dull pushchair. They are all about the fun, the funky and the functional. You really can have all three.
It’s easy to push thanks to two rear 9″ wheels and a twin 6½” wheel on the front. The front swivel wheel can be locked for rougher terrain using the clip which is just above the wheel. All the wheels are a hard rubber so you don’t need to worry about punctures.  Regardless of whether you are spending a day in a busy shopping mall, or walking around a nice country trail, the all round suspension will offer you both a smooth ride.
When you need to fold it you need both your hands, but it’s not difficult to do and leaves a nice flat result, that is just perfect for a smaller car. You can even adjust the handle so that it’s freestanding, which is perfect for storing in a hallway. 
So, if you are looking for something that stands out from the crowd for all the right reasons, this could be the one for you. Go and take a look at the new Cosatto Giggle, then decide on which colour suits your personality.

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iCandy Peach: From £999.00

The iCandy Peach is famous for its one-hand fold and head-turning colours. The Peach can also upgrade into a double travel system to grow with your family. Moreover, unique iCandy elevators allow the single seat or carrycot to be positioned higher and closer to the parent. The elevators can also be used in world-facing mode to bring the child closer to the table, similar to a highchair. Crafted by iCandy’s team of pioneering British designers, the iCandy Peach features beautiful details and design, along with a soft leatherette handle and bumper bar for that finishing, lasting touch.
It doesn’t matter if you are a ‘get stuck in and get mucky’ parent or a ‘style savvy stroll elegantly’ parent, or in fact anything in between – the iCandy Peach is a pushchair for everyone. It rolls over any terrain without much of a question and the seat unit and carrycot will keep babies of any age comfortable at all times. It will stand the test of time as everything you need to use the pushchair from birth up to when your child reaches 25kg comes in the box. The extra-large basket is a great asset to any parent but you may just have to watch out for the two-piece fold, which could catch you out if you have limited car boot space or use public transport a lot.

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Uppababy Vista: From £829.99

The Vista is one to consider if you may need room to grow and versatility of seating configurations for a growing family. Combine the cool seating options with top-notch functionality, impeccable quality, and a unique niche as a highly-regarded urban stroller and it is easy to see how the Vista earned a place rank in our stroller review. The Vista has many stand-out features that make paying the extra worthwhile as the Vista is an expandable system that can accommodate more than two riders with ease. There is a solution for pretty much every age from bassinet to infant car seat, and reversible toddler seat to riding scooter and the system can change on the fly. If your family is growing, you can’t go wrong with the Vista.

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